Often a man is convinced that his penis is too small, and this is the reason for most of the problems in his personal life. As a result, self-confidence decreases, relations with ladies become more and more strained, a number of complexes develop. To get rid of this problem, there are a variety of techniques, including penis enlargement exercises. Their undeniable advantage is relative safety for health, the possibility of independent management and the lack of a lot of time and money.

The size of the penis is one of the most pressing issues for the strong half of humanity, and has been since ancient times. In many cultures, the great length and thickness of the phallus was considered a sign of masculinity, fearlessness, and remarkable sexual prowess. To increase the size, various exercises and massages were used, the technique of which is first described in some Arabic manuscripts. To date, numerous studies have been devoted to this topic, surgical techniques and special devices have been developed. But the safest and most proven way, which is suitable for most men who are concerned about how to enlarge their penis, is massage and special gymnastics.
It's easy to guess that increasing penis size through endless workouts at the gym won't work. This allows you to strengthen the pelvic muscles, which, of course, contributes to a strong erection, but does not affect the size of the organ. All previous methods are based on stretching the erectile tissue filled with blood during sexual arousal. As a result, the gaps contain more blood, the penis increases in size, and the skin gradually expands.
In order to achieve maximum results and make the procedure safe, you must follow the following simple rules:
- Keep your penis clean.
- Do gymnastics at a time convenient for you.
- Assume the most comfortable position.
- Use a lubricant when exercising.
- Preheat the penis.
- Exercises should be done carefully to avoid the appearance of pain.
advantages and disadvantages
Massages and special exercises are physiologically more natural for many reasons and carry a lower risk of injury.
To perform penis enlargement exercises, you should spend between fifteen minutes and half an hour every day. It is better to split the load into two times and do gymnastics in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.
The undeniable advantages of these methods include:
- No special skills and experience are required.
- You don't need much time.
- Can be done at home at any time of the day.
Among the shortcomings can be identified:
- Before conducting it, you need to study the methodology in detail and follow all the rules.
- The positive effect becomes noticeable after a certain period of daily training.
- The result is different in each individual case.
- There is a risk of injury from excessive strain or sudden movements.
Kegel Gymnastics

This exercise for the penis perfectly strengthens and improves muscle tone, helping to increase erection. It is used to increase sexual abilities, therapy and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. It is recommended to be used in conjunction with all penis enlargement methods.
The exercise involves contracting the perineal muscles, which play a large role in achieving and maintaining an erection. It's easy to learn how to do this: it's enough to try to stop the stream of urine when urinating. You can imitate movements anywhere and completely unnoticed by people nearby. Gymnastics consists in straining the muscle for five seconds, and then relaxing. Repeat the process fifty times.
Effective Exercises

Before starting a massage or loading the penis, you should warm up the organ. To do this, it can be wrapped in a towel soaked in warm water for ten minutes or covered with a linen bag with heated salt. You must also monitor the achievement of the erection strength recommended in the method. All of this is done to minimize the risk of injury.
Before starting the exercises, you should consult with a specialist about the presence of contraindications to such techniques. It should also be noted that the intensity of the lessons and the degree of stress can be gradually increased.
Gymnastics for a member includes the following exercises:
- bend- The degree of erection should not be more than a quarter of the maximum strength, lubrication is not required. The penis should be grasped at the tip with one hand, pulled, then placed under it with one or two fingers of the other hand and bent downwards. Perform similar exercises six times in different directions. The technique is aimed at increasing the volume of the penis.
- jelqing- the most popular exercise to increase length. With the first and second fingers of the hand, squeeze the base of the penis and slowly move it towards the head. Without releasing your hand, grasp the base with the fingers of the other hand and repeat. Change hands about thirty times. The erection should be half - two thirds of the maximum.
- Uli- It is necessary to achieve full erection strength, then squeeze the penis for forty seconds and release the compression. Do three to five times.
- Double Uli- With one hand, grasp the base of the penis and with the other the area of the head, pressing at the same time for forty to fifty seconds.
- Reverse jelqing- Uli - With one hand they press the base of the penis and with the other they perform jelqing, and the hands change regularly. Do a maximum of ten times. The degree of erection is 90-95%.
- headrest technique- You should start with Kegel exercises, which will ensure increased blood flow. The base of the penis is grasped with the right hand, jelqing is performed, the hand remains near the head and is kept there throughout the exercise time. Jelqing is performed with the left hand.